Biden Announces Billion Dollar Plan For Israel

( – In a significant development from Washington, the Biden administration has approved a substantial arms deal to Israel, comprising fighter jets and a considerable quantity of bombs, amid rising tensions in the region. This move comes at a time when there is growing concern over potential military activities in southern Gaza, a region that has been a focal point of conflict.

Officials from both the Pentagon and the State Department have disclosed to The Washington Post that the arms package destined for Israel includes an arsenal of over 1,800 MK84 bombs, each weighing 2,000 pounds, alongside 500 MK82 bombs, which weigh 500 pounds each. This transfer represents a substantial bolstering of Israel’s military capabilities, reflecting the United States’ ongoing support for its key ally in the Middle East.

A detailed explanation from a State Department official to Fox News Digital sheds light on the process behind such military aid. The official noted, “Fulfilling an authorization from one notification to Congress can result in dozens of individual Foreign Military Sales cases across the decades-long lifecycle of the congressional notification.” They further elucidated that large-scale procurements, like the F-35 program for Israel, are typically executed over several cases spanning many years, indicating the complex and enduring nature of military support provided to Israel.

Inquiries directed to the White House and the Pentagon by Fox News Digital have further underscored the attention this deal has garnered. General Charles Q. Brown Jr., the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, commented on the matter, revealing that Israel has not yet received the full extent of military arms it has requested amidst escalating hostilities with Hamas. “Although we’ve been supporting them with capability, they’ve not received everything they’ve asked for,” General Brown stated, highlighting limitations due to either capacity constraints or policy decisions.

The assistance package arrives as the Biden administration expresses concerns regarding Israel’s handling of the conflict in Gaza, a territory governed by Hamas, which has seen significant loss of life and displacement of residents. Despite these concerns, a White House official affirmed to The Washington Post, “We have continued to support Israel’s right to defend itself,” clarifying that conditioning aid is not part of U.S. policy.

This stance, however, has not been without its detractors. Some members of the Democratic Party have urged President Biden to condition the aid to Israel on the commitment to implement measures to minimize civilian casualties in Rafath, a region in southern Gaza known as a stronghold of Hamas.

The controversy over the military aid and its conditions has led to tensions in U.S.-Israeli relations. A notable incident highlighting this strain was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cancellation of a planned visit by an Israeli delegation to Washington, in response to the U.S.’s refusal to veto a United Nations Security Council resolution. This resolution called for a temporary cease-fire in Gaza and the release of hostages but notably did not condemn Hamas.

The administration’s unwavering support for Israel has also sparked criticism from progressive circles within the United States. Demonstrations were notably visible during President Biden’s fundraising event in New York City, where pro-Palestinian protesters assembled outside Radio City Music Hall to voice their opposition to the continued aid to Israel, marking a period of intense scrutiny and debate over U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.